Sunday, January 14, 2007

and the stinking turd of the year award goes to.....

drum roll please!!!!!!

Well first lets muck our way through 4 little turdlets on our journey to the big TURD.

5. My Super Ex Girlfriend with UMa. I have never been a big fan of her acting skills and have found her to be more of a stage prop then anything else. But this turkey with Uma playing a superwoman on the verge of a nervous breakdown is truly awful and sophomoric. Co-costarring the king of moronic movies next to McConaughey..........Luke Wilson. I will give him Tannenbaums and thats it. And Uma.......Dangerous Liasons was a LONG time ago. Can you stop making crap? Too many to mention and not enough room on this post. I ony saw this cuz I was unemployed last July and everyone else was working and I had to take a week off from the beach cuz I was looking like an orange.

4. Basic Instict 2-Hey its only the 4th and not the 1st.......who knew? See separate posting on this mess and Sharon trying to be a desperate sexpot YET again......

3. Deck the Halls-I was treated to a bootleg screening of this while home in Owatonna for xmas. I sat with a dear friend and her family as they laughed uproariously throughout and I cringed and tried not to scream out "STOP LAUGHING DON'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE ANY SENSE!!!!" Danny DeVto is so annoying in this, that it makes poerfect sense why he was all boozy on the View (well that and having Rosie Hee Hawing at you like a Jackal). And poor Mr. Parker er.....I mean Broderick. Cant he just stay home and play house husband? She makes all the $$$$ anyway. Rewind to the 80s and se Neighbors with John Belushi if you are that desperate to see the dueling neighbors motif.

2. Running with Scissors-Horrible adaptation from another supposedly true memoir written by the increasingly annoying and oh so important dubious literary sensation Augusten Burroughs. The supposedly true book had a few laughs on the family that takes Augusten in at their expense of course. Sadly, none of that translates to screen. The movie/script/director fails in every attempt to show any compasssion and just trots one character after the next out for the viewer to gawk at the freak show on screen. BORING! Annette Bening plays the selfish, mad as a hatter mother to the hilt and tries so hard for the elusive statue that you almost feel sad for her. Dont even get me started about how much i LOATHE Gwyneth and she is LOATHSOME in this movie. I think its time for Augusten to shut the little factory down and sit on his millions for his "truth". And hopefully, no more of his literature will ever be translated to the screen again. OOO...look at haggard Jill Clayburgh eating dog food-shocking!!!!! Dreck.....

And the biggest plop in the bowl goes to................

1. Black Dahlia-At least Annette is not in the worst movie of the year! That would go to her awards season nemesis Hilary Swank. And Hilary dont ever play a sexpot again-cuz you stank! You can only play gender neutral heroines that are martyrs and then die in the end. Thats it, is that to much to expect? This movie is based on the true unsolved crime of a youg girl making her way to Hollywood who is murdered (horribly.) Josh Hartnett who isnt even that cute anymore gives another wooden performance as the cop hot on the trail to solve. This movie is a mess from the get go. Everyone in it stinks and the director, Brian DePalma just plain loses control of the proceedings. But at least he gave us Carrie, Dressed to Kill and Body Double so I can somewhat forgive him....somewhat..............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I did see #5 on your list, My Super Ex-Girlfiend (United in-flight to LA, what can you do?), I actually didn't think it was horrendous. Anna Faris (can somebody get her a great comedy script stat so she can become a superstar?!) has the best, PERFECTLY delivered line in the movie, after a jealous Uma heaves large sealife at her ex and his naive new girlfriend (Faris), "Why did G-Girl throw a shark into your apartment?!" HAHA - that was so funny!!Uma Thurman does need a better agent. She was great in the Kill Bill movies, but otherwise her talent outsizes (I think) her talent for choosing projects.

I wish to place an honorable mention onto your list: Hollywoodland. Yikes, this piece of dreck got good reviews for Ben Affleck?? As usual, the always wonderful Diane Lane rises above the material and was the only interesting actor in the movie. Otherwise, I kept thinking of where I wanted to go eat after the movie...and I wonder why only every other row of seats in the Evanston Theaters reclines......Thai?.....I'm glad I'm in a reclining row....