Wednesday, January 17, 2007

one night only! one night only!

I KNEW they would use that song for the opener. See previous post. is the skivvy as I see it and what it means going into the Oscars. Sadly, very NOT full of surprises, but the Oscars may prove that its not a sealed deal yet! Hello.......Adrien Brody! Where has he been anyway? I can recall King Kong and thats about it post-Piano (oops that was a thankfully muted Holly Hunter) Pianist. He is FUGLY hot btw-I have seen him in New York on the streets. FUGLY HOT!

Anywho....the show started BIG literally and figuratively with Chicago native J-HUD telling the foreign press that YOU YOU YOU YOUR'E GONNA LOVE ME in her best HELL to the N-O kinda way. To quote the obvious...... "you go girl!" She graciously acknowledged Flo Ballard ( the one with the better voice then Diana that ended up in the Detroit housing projects penniless) but where was the shout out to J-HOLL? Wihtout her the SONG would never have been ingrained in the consiousness of theatah loving types and their kindred souls. J-HOLL has been waxing some sour grapes over a rumored gag order from La Geffen saying no sangin that song no more. So maybe the dis-missive is gag ordered in general? Hmmmmm...ponder! Beyondce looked divinely non-plussed as she bravely attempted happiness at the win of her equal on screen time co-star. We are all happy for the HUD though and expect her to be the ONLY American Idol contestant to ever win the Golden boy in March. No stoppin this train. BTW-She did voluptuous women proud with the 'fit. It 'fit her to a tee! So scores on that as well!

THen there was some TV crap that I could care less about EXCEPT for Miss America stealing the rug out from the Housewives to win the ingenue award for Ugly Betty. I like the show, I like her and think it was well deserved! She looked great too in the voluptuous 'fit. Im also glad the assistant to Ms. Meryl in Prada won for some tv thing she did. She is one to watch!

Ms. Meryl Streep...where do I even begin??? Is there even enough words anymore? I think not. Does our generation remember a film landscape without her? Kneel to the altar of the greatest living actress of all time (okay Bette Davis and Kate Hepburn fans-one of the best actresses) and thank whomever you worship that she is one of the hardest working gals out there right now. Her speeches (and Lord knows there have been many) are always a treat. And the ole girl always brings a tear to this avid awards show watcher whenever she ascends the stairs. We love you Meryl! Please be cryogenically frozen so that we can worship forever!

Eddie Murphy-will be an Oscar winner love it or not. Especially after the sentiment involving the death of the Godfather of Soul..Mr. Brown. Cus thats who he channeled in this performance. No more Party All the TIme as Eddie proved once and for all that he can do more then Haunted Mansion and Daddy Day Care. He was on fire and the Academy will recognize that fact. The first SNL member to win the coveted one. Cuz Mr. Murray has yet to do that and sadly Gilda has passed.....SNIFFF!!!!

Sasha Baron Cohen-YUM YUM! Boy does he scrub up well! hard to believe the last time I saw him was sucking face with a hairy ass. Ummm......not going to go any further with that one. But come on.......youd rethink it if it was Sasha's ass in your face? Wouldnt you? :) Sadly, the other two hot Brits Clive and Daniel were no-shows. Tis the year of HOT British menz..........

And now we get to the dramaaaaaa of it all........Dame Helen (not so humorous at this gala....was she just plain old tired of all the accolades?) and Forrest Whitaker...has anyone seen this movie? It played here for like 2 weeks. They both will win, knocking HOT SASHA and Ms. Meryl off the heap. But I guess the dame du jour deserves it for the body of work ( I still prefer the old DAME Judis performance in Notes). And maybe big Willie style will squeak by FUGLY (and not in the Adrien Brody kinda way) Forrest. Who knows? Only the Academy voters....

Babel for picture was a given cuz they gave Scorsese director for Departed. Apples and oranges, I havent seen either. Oh well.....not enough DAME drama for me in either of them. And do I really need to see ANOTHER Scorsece picture use Gimme Shelter as background music. Should have won for Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or Goodfellas but didnt. So now give it to him for the Departed. BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!

on to the juicy couture. Vanessa Williams hair exploded on her way to the awards...please forgive her. Nicollete Sheridan looked like a cadaver next to her corpse groom Mr. Tyler Hicks wannabe Michael Bolton. Reese looked like she was 12 and was shamelessly hanging out at Jacks table whenvever cameras flashed......ewwwwwwww........Daddy! The Arquettes looked positively ghoulish and how close were they (and Courtney) to the Bradgelina table anyway? Speaking of Bradgelina, I pity anyone who came waltzing thru before or after them cus they were nothing but ether if they did. The whole red carpet was dominated by them in their first official Hollywood sanctioned waltz together. And Angelina looked like she stuck her gargantuan lips around a big ole lemon all night. Why doll? Cuz you had to be the wife for a change?

Go away PULEEZE for at least a year: Jamie Foxx, J-LO, Hilary Horsey Swank, Renee chipmunk Zellwegger (who apparently had to duck out early for a HOT date with Luke Perry-my my), and Jennifer Garner. GO AWAY FOREVER INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OF HELL FROM WHICH YOU SPRANG-SKANK FEST SIENNA MILLER. And Cameron.....well I cant even go there, its just too painful..............simply hideous! Altho...Justin looked dapper (was he there because of Alpha Dog? Whatever....and WHY was POOP Daddy there? Is he like an actor now?) I loved Princes win over the Beyondce song. How pathetic.....give me a song in the movie Daddy that doesnt sound like any of the other songs in the movie. A loser again Beyondce and I was lovin every second of it! Prince is my home town boy!

Always nice to see Ms. Drew looking good! Joaquin and JAKE!!! Especially after his classic rendition of YOU YOU YOU on SNL the previous Saturday.

Where were they? My MATTS (Dillon and Damon), perennial fashion plate Nicole (comforting a fresh out of hab Keith Urban-good luck on that one!) and the TOMKATS (cuz Lord knows they havent had any press this year.) And the hobbling out of the ARNOLD at the end is not the same as seeing old Hollywood legends like Olivia d Havilland lurching for the nearest podium at the Oscars a few years back. I want more old school......well maybe at the Oscars. Is Warren Beatty really 75? I swear thats what he said. That would make Shirley 80!?!?!?!?!?!? WHo knew?? He rambled endlessly and I thought Tom Hanks intro. was crass at best (why didnt Jack do it-dead men tell no tales?) but Annette took it for what it was. After all the beauty did tame the beast (or vice versa). Altho Warrens glamour puss days are looooonngggg gone (hello chemical peels).

We love the globes, they drink, they fraternize, and get into each others pants at the after parties (hopefully someone got into Sharon's pants after her desperate attempts in BI 2). But I digress..........

On to the next big one.....the SAGS where at least Jackie Earle Hailey was nommed over Mark Wahlberg! AND Miss Julie is getting the lifetime achievement award! Dont even go there if you dont know who Miss Julie is. Altho...I will give you SOME points if you thought Christie. Maybe next year for that dame! And then the big guy.......OSCAR!

Keep reading and please post comments! Now is the time for action!




Linda Rogo said...

I thought the Globes were boring. They have so many awards to give that they have no time for anything but to name the nominees, call out the winners and suffer through the acceptance speeches. They show no clips other than the best Picture nominees, so unless you've seen all the films, there's no taste of what exactly the awards are honoring, no banter from the MC, no sense of being a part of the event.

The awards themselves are meaningless to me. They're chosen by entertainment writers, for God's sake, the reporters from the French equivalent of People magaizine, or the Spanish Entertainment Weekly. I could care less what they consider the "Best" of the year is. That they give Sasha Baron Cohen an "acting" award for his Eastern European caricature is evidence enough that these people have no sense of film aesthetics. That the Globes foretell, in some respects, the Oscars speaks more to the fact there's there's precious few Hollywood films (or Hollywood-friendly independent films) to choose their honorees from, then to the notion that the Foreign Press Association and the Academy are somehow aligned in their preferences. Or worse, that somehow a Globe and an Oscar is some indication that you really did pull off the "best" of that year (I'm looking right at you Hilary Swank, you joke of an actress. You, too, Tom Hanks).

Besides, just what possible value could there be in a category called "Best Supporting Actor in a Television Movie, Miniseries or Series"?? Jemery Irons in an HBO film against the guy from Heros? That's like the Dallas Cowboys playing my high school junior varsity team inthe Super Bowl. Is Jeremy celebrating this week or just laughing himself silly?

I'm fast becoming equally disillusioned with the Oscars, as well. It was pretty eye-opening when I took a look at the past 10 years of Best Picture winners and realized that only two of the films would I rate *** or better. Yet, I watch every year, most likely out of habit, or out of nostalgia of the 70s and 80s when more often than not, the film chosen as Best Picture was indeed a quality film. Or the performance being honored was actually a moving performance.

But these days, a film's profit is mostly derived from its peripheral sales: its DVD sales, sales to pay-per-view and subscription movie channels, and not from its box office intake. To guarantee the huge peripheral sales, you need the press and buzz that a huge opening weekend brings you. And to get the huge opening, you need to bring in the under-30 crowd, the ones more likely to see a film in its first week of release. You don't have the luxury of putting out a quality film that will generate word-of-mouth and critical acclaim that brings in the over-30 set. So the truly talented have abandoned Hollywood by now, off to work the more artistically fruitful independent arena, producing great work and getting the occasional accolade from the Academy, but no longer members of the Academy itself, no longer lending their weight, their sense of aesthetics to the Awards. Those who are left hold up crap like "Titanic" and "A Beautiful Mind" up as the Best Film of the Year, confuse celebrity impersonation with dramatic interpretation, and award gimmick as though it equated with creativity.

Despite all this I do still watch the Oscars every year. I watch because the Oscars do, at times, get it right and honor an excellent movie, or a superior performance, and for a moment I am heartened and hopeful that the glory days are returning. That the ability to spot talent and originality is not so out of reach for the Hollywood-crowd of today, that the gold statuette carries some prestige again and not just a promise of a three-picture deal. But then Jack Nicholson will open an envelope and declare to the world that Hollywood has chosen "Crash" as the best it can do for the year. And I promise myself then and there that the next year I'm not going to waste my time on this claptrap, that I'll make a silent protest by going to the movies that night and seeing a film that wasn't nominated, but that carries the promise of quality and entertainment.

And I keep to that promise, right up to the day that the nominations are announced.

Anonymous said...

Oh Brian. I feel your pain. Crash? Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump? Gwyneth Paltrow? Titanic? Helen Hunt? No, No, No, No, NOOO!!! And although Quinn's and your posts pretty much address different things (Quinn is the witty jokester - thankfully he's really good at it! - and we're the straight to speak), you both touched on 1 specific thing that I also vociferously agree on: Hilary Swank - I can't even go there. Even Babel this year - really liked it, but it was so Alright, Babel needs a post, since it won best pic and neither of you have seen it yet....

Unknown said...

Maxine Ballard writes the True Story of Florence Ballard!

Florence "Blondie" Ballard, Diane "Diana" Ross and Mary Wilson met and
became childhood friends during the 1950's. Under the watchful eye and
skilled tutelage of Milton Jenkins, the friends later became the trio
The Primettes, ultimately transformed into the greatest female singing
group of all time – The Supremes. In 1967, Florence Ballard left the
group, and though much has been written about her life after the
Supremes, the true facts of her story have never surfaced - until now.
Maxine "Precious" Ballard Jenkins – the sister of Florence Ballard –
has written the true account of Florence Ballard's life, including her
reasons behind leaving the group, the relationship she shared with
childhood friends, Mary and Diane, and the dramatic turn her life took
in later years. The book also helps to dispel many of the rumors
surrounding Florence Ballard's death. Your view of Florence Ballard
and her life will be dramatically reversed after reading this book!

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