Saturday, February 10, 2007

First gay buddie movie..a Jerry Lewis/Dean Martin vehicle?

Okay soo this is a head scratcher! Back in the MID 50s (yes the Eisenhower years). Hollywood greenlit a Martin/Lewis vehicle called Artists and Models. It is a study (natch) of 2 single guys sharing a bedroom in single beds in swingin 50s New York. But the subtext is off the charts! Jerry and Dean crawl into each others beds, jump in bathtubs together and paint little quaint mustaches on each other with such LOVE and CARE!. MY OH MY...was the joke on them or us (being the 50s movie going public?) This little trifle will have you arching your best Faye Dunaway manicured eyebrow thruout the alloted 100 minutes!

Sure there are the hags, a YOUNG Shirley matching Jerry scene for scene as his supposed love interest (they have a great number together where Shirley vamps and Jerry klutzes), Dorothy Malone as Deans supposed love interest, and lastly the late Eva Gabor as a sultry Russian spy that comes out of nowhere in the final act. But this is ultimately a touching tome between Dean and Jerry. And in the 50s no less! They are so in love in this picture (character wise at least) that the Brokeback boys would be sooooooo jealous!

In full Vista Vision and the costumes are over the top as they only could be in that time frame. Only on VHS BUT I have a vaunted DVD version that COULD be loaned out to the curious. Harmless fun (this is Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis for chisesakes!) But oh my!

Ponder if you see it!



dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Quinn, thanks for some interestin' insights on this Dino and Jer flick. It has been said that "women wanted Dean and men wanted to be Dean," but you are addin' a new twist to this sayin. One thing for Dinosure, never was, never will be anyone as cool as Dino. Oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth.

Always Martin & Lewis said...

Definitely not the first gay buddy movie of theirs. In fact, *all* of Dean and Jerry's movies are extremely campy ^^ and that whole sharing a bed thing, they've done that before, many many times, even on the Colgate Comedy Hour. Even in their old radio show together the boys were really obvious.

Have you ever seen 'Color Me, Lavender'? It's a documentary about gays in cinema and it mentions Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis. It's well worth looking into.