Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Wow, this movie blew me away - one of the best films of 2006. Its an absorbing tale told in an utterly original way; I'm not even sure how to review it. So here's the a list of words that come to mind about this Spanish-language movie:
1. beautiful
2. gripping
3. dramatic
4. emotional
5. fantastical
6. horrific
7. absorbing
8. stunning (and I mean that literally)
9. heartbreaking
10. wondrous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Capsule review from NPR Morning Edition below...they also were at a loss of words like me!

"What Guillermo del Toro has accomplished in Pan's Labyrinth cannot easily be put into words. That's because the Mexican-born director is a master creator of images, atmosphere and mood who uses his gifts as a fantasist to do make imaginary worlds seem realer than reality itself."