Friday, January 05, 2007


(to be hummed to Bill Murray singing Star Wars nothing but star wars) when SNL was funny and Gilda was still alive....I cant even go there to this day. SNIFF!

The word dame will be a hot topic in this year's awards circuit party fer sure. YOu have the DAME du jour Helen Mirren in the QUEEN (separate post forthcoming) and the DAME of all time Ms. Judi running neck and neck in every Best Actress Race this year. Not to mention future dames Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett (shes Aussie and still part of the EMPIRE never forget!) scrambling for attention. Heavens my head is spinning just thinking about it!

This post is in regards to DAME JUDI and DAME TO BE CATE. The move Notes from a Scandal. I loved this movie on many levels. It had a camp element (Judi has some choice narratives) and had a baby jane vibe that is undeniable (CATE in full Siouxsie makeup bitch slapping the old broad when all hell breaks loose at the end). Plus the lesbitronic undertones are enough to make me shiver, spoilers galore could be forthcoming but in a nutshell the JUDI loves her some of CATES creamy white skin! WHEW!!! I have to admit that Perrenial DAME Judi held my attention more than DAME DU JOUR HELEN (most likely cuz she was playing that old cold fish Queen Elizabeth) and I would love to see her recognized. Sadly, that moment will not happen and JUDI will have to settle for her SUPPOrtiing win for 8 minutes of screen time in Shakespeare in LOVE. EWWWWWW a FISHSTICKS Paltrow movie on top of it. Bill Nighy winning raves on BWAY starring with lukewarm Julianne Moore in Vertical Hour plays CATES befuddled hubby effectively. And the boy playing CATES paramour is very cute in a GAY REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN PAGE SCANDAL kinda way.

The endding does descend into a moment of LIFETIME TV as JUDI searches for new love in public parks (GOD so hard to say much more as we would descend into SPOILER territory). But at least its JUDI and not PATTY DUKE ASTIN!!!

***1/2 stars for pure enjoyment factor alone and crackling dialogue. Not to mention 2 of my fave actresses in the same film together. GOD DAME IT!!!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Priceless, Quinn. Simply priceless. Surprising effective mix of drama, suspense, camp, sex, and great performances - and that was just my last boyfriend. But ditto with the movie. I LOVE Cate Blanchett and Dame Judi and they do NOT disappoint. That they are together in one movie is a Fab Film Forum Fantasy! And I must agree, as we discussed (OK, giddily exclaimed!) after the movie, I would vote for Dame Judi over Dame Helen for Best Actress this year. And I would actually vote for Penelope Cruz in Volver as 2nd, then Dame Helen 3rd - but back on point, that's another post. Bill Nighy as Cate's husband is great, and it would be nice suprise to see him recognized. Yes, I didn't care for that last scene - its sooo heavy-handed and obvious. Why or why even go there?? ***1/2

JB said...

Add my vote to Judi's pile. She was awesomely raw and creepy, and got off some really good lines too. The Queen bored the hell out of me; Scandal didn't. And yeah, the ending. But I've forgiven worse.