Friday, January 05, 2007


ANd thank god Im not Rosie except for the $$$ and Clive doesnt need to put inserts into his shoes! The latest CLIVE OWEN fest is Children of Men. And scuffed he is still looking fine! That voice, that hair, that face........sadly not enough body in the movie but thank goodness for imagination....swoon and thud! LAdies and Gentlemen there quite frankly is nothing finer on film today. Well.......maybe Daniel Craig as the new Bond ( a film Clive passed on to do this one-good move as now Clive is franchise free to titilate us further in random movies he chooses to make.) I think Im ready to meet my mate on British soil.....dentistry has improved since my last visit I hear.

The film also stars Julianne Moore briefly and Michael Caine (who has finally stopped collecting paychecks and is in GREAT form here) as a co-conspirator of Clives. No awards mentions for this film sadly as it is excellent! Definitely in my top 5 of the year after The Holiday, Rocky Balboa, and never mind..........I am getting carried away.......

It is a dystopian future say 10 years from now and Britian is the only safe haven in the world (I suspect New Zealand or the Falklands after BUSH is done with his legacy) and no foreigners are allowed in to the EMPIRIC island. And no women can have babies due warming, pharmecuticals, chemicals in food, toxins, need I go on.........But Clive saves the day as he escorts the only woman who is miraculously with child out of this hell. The movie reminds me of some of my faves from the past (Planet of the Apes, Blade Runner, Escape from New York) in that 80% of the movie surrounds the issue of will they be able to pull off their mission in the face of all-consuming adversity? You will have to watch and see! But the last 30 minutes of the movie had me thinking of Bagdad and what those poor citizens and soldiers are going through there because of a handful of idiots. Yep Im a lefty and Bush hater and proud of it and this movie will ultimately spark converstation of "Gee that actually could happen in our lifetime" cus the seeds have been planted my friends. Ok off the soapbox and with one final comment, this movie is unrelentingly grim ( and I loved that the theatre was packed to the rafters as you actually have to think about it afterwards) but it still has the CLIVE and that is enough as well as beautifully poignant cinematogrphy and a smart script to give this **** alll the way. Do yourselves a favor and see this movie and then have a STIFF drink and some great sex afterwards! Cheers! PS-Did I mention I LOVE Clive Owen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see it - maybe this weekend. But I still have one nagging question: did you like Clive Owen?