Friday, January 05, 2007

Worth a Second Look......

YEs we are now in filmland doldrums until Summer Blockbusters start arriving in April (April is the new JUNE!) So fire up those DVD players, restart that netflix subscription and take a second look at some of these treasures (or first look if you have never seen.) I am very methodical about film viewing so these are some A titles I recommend from the recent past.

Accidental Tourist-Willam Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Geena Davis (supporting actress winner 1988). Somber but moving and at times humorous account of life's peculiarities. Peculiar in the form of Davis (never better and a early front runner of the SUPPORTING actress curse-come on do I have to explan that?) as Muriel Pritchett and Hurt's alphebetizing food pantry immediate family. Davis plays the best clicking dog walker known to man. I'm ashamed to admit that the click click of the tongue I have been using for years came from this film (natch) ***1/2

Adaptation-Nicholas Cage, Marvelous Meryl, and Chris Cooper (supporting actor winner in some recent year). Reimagining of the Susan Orlean best seller The Orchid Thief from some years back. Who knew the world of Orchid harvesting and selling could be so devious? Well Charlie Kaufman did and scripted a two hour movie surrounding it! This movie is brilliant! And Meryl? Well....she wil knock your sock(s) off as well as Cage and Cooper. Great performances from all 3. ***1/2 stars.

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother-Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman, and Madeline ( if you dont know who I am referring to here then get OFF the blog now....:)) Gene learned a lot from mentor Mel Brooks from the 70s heyday and took his cue to direct this madcap movie. Stealing co-conspirators Feldman and Madeline from the Brooks stable only enhances the comedic elements. Worth a look! ***

Afteglow-Julie Christie, Nick Nolte in a film directed by Alan Rudolph (indie pioneer). Gettin old aint for sissies quoteth Bette Davis. But damn has Julie Christie aged like a fine wine. She is still HOT in this movie in her early 50s and earned an OScar nom. playing a faded "b" movie film actress on a downward spiral. Nolte plays her patient husband in this tale of revolving beds. I love you Dame Julie! Yes another dame......... ***

Alfie (The original British film)-YOUNG Michael Caine alert and a pre-Poseidon Shelley (nuff said). Caine plays a swingin sixties London Lothario who is trying to figure out his responsibilties in life. Winters plays one of his many mistresses that beats him at his own game as only Shelley can! ( I miss you immensely SHELLEY-no pun intended!) SNIFF alert! Trivia- the original title song is sung by a British songstress NOT the Dionne classic that we all know stateside. ***1/2

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore-Oscar winner Ellyn Burstyn 1975 (who should have been a double winner years later for Requiem for a Dream but the Julia factor entered in to voting-SHAME ON YOU ACADEMY to loosely quote Michael Moore) and a young Harvey Keitel and Jodie Foster. Scorsese does women's pictures to a tee with this. And foster plays the lesbitronic, tomboy love interest for Ellen's pubescent son. Yep it was apparent even back then, we dont want to see Jodie in romances (see awkward romantic involvement with McConaughy years later in Contact.) Altho...we do buy her "love scene" in the Oscar winning performance in the Accused in 88. Unfortunately, the only love Jodie can get in a film is as a victim (see SOTL.... like no one hasn't Oscar winning bookend from 92.) BONUS: The always welcome and great Diane Ladd plays FLO and Vic Tayback carries Mel from movie to TV in the hit late 70s/early 80s sitcom Alice with Linda Lavin. Holy continuity Batman! ****

Amelie-Audrey Tatou and a bunch of other frenchies. This move is magical, frothy and fun. I love it and you should too. Paris is the CITY of romance and this is a great film to capture that. Yes it is subtitled but get over it and enjoy this great romantic adventure! Sigh..........****

American Splendor-Paul Giametti and Hope Davis. Based on the hapless real life story of PULP cartoonist Harvey Pekor. Giametti brings the common man brilliance he got recognized for shortly in Sideways. The under rated Hope Davis plays his wife who inspired him through real-life tragedy. This is not glam Hollywood production but boy does it captivate you. Please watch for great performances by two of the best "real people" actors working right now. A gem. ***1/2

Amores Perros-Gael Garcia Bernal and who cares who else...Babel is gettiing a lot of buzz due to the Pitt factor (still need to see). But this film is a great intro. into the interlocking story theme that this director likes to use (Inacuoa (sp??)) The story line with the dog trapped under the remodeled apartment floor boards had me at hello. THe director also did 21 grams for you completists. Did I mention GAEL GARCIA BERNAL is in this????? ***1/2 Subtitle alert: Spanish film.

Angel Heart-Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonet and the always watchable Charlotte Rampling=Devilish fun. Their creepy and their spooky and they are in Pre-Katrina New Orleans acting and sexing up a storm. Writing blood on the walls, elevator rides to ???, chicken sex, Frank Sinatra (dead men tell no tales.......) This movie is a creep fest from the get go! Did I mention DeNiro as the devil eating eggs? See it to believe it! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ***

Annie Hall- THe most classic Woody out there (altho I love Interiors and Husbands and Wives with Oscar spurned Judy Davis losing to Smellin for As Good as It Gets-Oscar travesty # 596 or did she lose to Marisa for MY COUSIN VINNY-in that case # 584, Ellyn Burstyn was #500 due to Julia). The lobster scene and Diane Keaton making a 70s fashion statement for years to come (at least on her end) are worth a look see. And the coke scene is priceless! Cuz coke wasn't even "addictive" yet. Spot Sigourney at the end in front of the movie theatre re-uniting and it is a perfect 70s time capsule! ***1/2

Atlantic City-Late great Burt Lancaster and a Young Susie Saran wrap (Sarandon) directed by the late Louis Malle (Candice Bergens deceased). Tongue twister there! Old Atlantic City before Trump and that sex and the city ep. Didnt used to be so semi-glam. Burt plays a down on his luck everyman who falls for and wants to protect lemon-washing Susie (one of the more interesting and strangely sexy scenes on celluloid). This movie is poignant and beautifully shot. A must for any cinephile. ****

I'm exhausted from this post....but more to come in the A-Z backlog of must sees and why did I miss in the first place world of film!!



Anonymous said...

OK, I'll hand it to ya - good list. My highlights? - The Accidental Tourist (forgotten gem), Adaptation (superlative performances all-around and very original), Atlantic City (bittersweet, rich story), and Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Ellen Burstyn rules - and who knew Scorsese could direct comedy?). Oh, and Judy Davis was robbed by Marisa Tomei (#584). I still don't think I can talk about #596 - As HORRIBLE As It Gets, other than Dame Judi could crush Helen Hunt with her little British tea pinky!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're right. I think I saw part of After Hours on TV. Haven't seen King of Comedy - I heard its great - but actually a drama according to a friend of mine. Can we count Gangs of New York as laughable?!